about Juno House
Our Mission
The mission for Juno House is to motivate girls and young women to build their capacity for emotional health, while inviting their parents to develop a more coherent understanding of themselves and their children.
“Courage comes from cultivating the habit of refusing to let fear dictate one’s actions.”
– Aung San Suu Kyi, 1991
who we are
Juno House was created as a centre of excellence for girls, young women and their families. Utilizing a team approach, Juno House provides on-site individual and family counselling, and has off-site consulting partners – dieticians, pediatricians, psychiatrists, and personal trainers – to provide comprehensive and coordinated treatment. The Juno House team works together to ensure the highest standard of professional treatment, clinical supervision, consultation, and client success.
Juno was the Roman Goddess of the soul.
It was believed that we must all have a balance in our “Juno” and our “intellect/reasoning.” We live in a world that places a strong emphasis on our intellect and reasoning, and less support to the development of our soul – or in today’s brain science language: our emotional self. The goddess Juno supports the very emotional therapy work, which these young women and their loved ones undertake.
Why Girls
The world is more difficult than ever for girls, and if you don’t believe it, just watch 10 minutes of music videos or spend some time on social networking sites. Girls are growing up with such sexualized images of who they should become, that losing their voice and self is common place.
And technology is overwhelming our children from an incredibly young age. Tablets and cell phones are intruding into their lives 24/7. These technologies stimulate the brain and are a leading cause of sleep disturbances. When not regulated, the ‘self-reflective’ development of teens brains is inhibited. No screens two hours before bedtime. Learning to ponder is crucial.
“Nature and Nurture are inseparable.”
what the Research Says
Over the last several decades, research reports have highlight the issues facing adolescent girls. These disturbing statistics motivate the therapists at Juno House to help girls overcome the pressures of society to become valued, contributing leaders in the community.
Eating Disorders among Girls and Women in Canada. Report of the Standing Committee on the Status of Women, Senate of Canada. November 2014
- High levels of anxiety may predispose children to eating disorders.
- Eighty per cent of individuals living with eating disorders are women.
Beyond Appearances. A Brief on the Main Issues Facing Girls in Canada. Girls Action Foundation. 2013
- The Super Girl Dilemma … concluded girls today feel pressured to do everything and please everyone, and the pressure is actually increasing from past decades. (U.S. National Survey, Girls Inc. 2006)
- The higher rates of depression, self-harm and low self-esteem among girls indicate that girls are more likely to internalize (or act-in) their troubles while boys tend to externalize.
- Girls and young women age 15-24 are the population group most at risk of depression and anxiety disorders in Canada (Turcotte 2011)
- Self-harm, defined as cutting, burning or otherwise injuring one’s self without intending to commit suicide is common among girls in Canada. One in five teen girls deliberately cut or injured herself in the proceeding year (Smith 2009)
Improving the Health of Adolescent Girls. The Commonwealth Fund. Jan. 1999.
- Eating disorders remain a serious health risk for adolescent girls. 13% of younger girls (grades 5-8) and 18% of older girls (grades 9-12) in the survey reported having binged and purged. One third binge and purge at least once a day, and another 13% binge and purge more than once a week.
- Before high school, one out of five girls describes herself as overweight. In high school, the numbers rise to one out of three girls.
- Before high school, girls are less likely to diet (39%) and more likely to exercise regularly (81%). As girls enter high school, they exercise less than younger girls (67%) and are more likely to turn to dieting to control weight (58%).
- Before graduating from high school, nearly one out of three adolescent girls will experience depression, anxiety disorders, or eating disorders, approximately twice the rate of boys.
- Girls’ self-confidence declines during adolescence, with only 39% of high school girls reporting high self-confidence, compared to 44% of younger girls. By high school, girls are almost twice as likely as boys the same age to say that they do not like themselves or that they hate themselves (25% vs. 14%).
- Health professionals need to receive training in how to approach adolescent girls more effectively.
- Expanded efforts are needed to prevent, detect, and treat depression, serious stress, anxiety, eating disorders, and other psychological problems that compromise the present and future health and well being of girls.
Juno House™
1902 5A St SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2S 2G1
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